Wednesday, February 20, 2008


© Ahna M Carpenter


I remember ounce when I was no more than ten , my mother chopped off the head of a hen. It flu in a circle before it had died. fell to the ground and it's feet were tied. Into a pot of hot water to boil. Off with it's feathers and wrapped in tin foil.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Forest kindergarten

Waldkindergarten"(Forest kindergartens)" popular education idea in Germany since early 1990s. Children age 3-6 spend all their time outdoors 4–6 hours daily, all-season long, in the forest. No classroom, no books, no manufactured toys and no such thing as bad weather, Rain or snow. The idea that the forest can be the classroom and is a natural way for children to discover the world around them. The forest helps them learn to identifying with nature, and said to even support the immune system and physical and mental health. Children gain self-confidence and good balance, running, jumping, climbing and hiking. Playing with sticks, digging in dirt, looking for frogs or climbing a tree, the children learn to enjoy the world around them. Many different variations of this education, like Wandergruppe a hiking groups , and SCHUB- Schule auf dem Bauernhof, "school on the farm".
Jean-Jacques Rousseau a philosopher from the 1700's said "The child will not enjoy a book about a river or a mountain if he has never actually climbed a mountain or looked for tadpoles in a river."

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Obsessive Compulsion

Obsessive compulsion to clean and tidy. Cleaning all day long , constantly picking up toys, books, crayons and bits of paper . So how hard is it to fight the urge to tidy up a stack of crooked books at Barns and Noble . What about seeing the cereal boxes at the grocery store all are nice and straight except for that just one thats turned around? To stay healthy and happy is to learn how to relax. When we do have a chance to get out all alone use that time to clear your mind and buy yourself a coffee . Find something you enjoy that you can do alone like a walk or swimming at your YMCA . It's great when you feel like yourself again.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Government has a Green Thumb

"Being Green" has turned Into a Cash Cow and now ripping off the American family.
Global Warming Tax or carbon tax will do nothing to reduce carbon emissions but only feed the already obese world government. A Colorado town in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains was the first to pass the municipal carbon tax. Boulder, Colo., charges residents and businesses based on how much electricity they use. Annually the tax will generate about $1 million for the city . The money funds energy audits for homes and businesses and Visits by energy experts to advise homeowners how to save energy through energy efficient lighting and insulation. Great just one more person advising us, trying to visit our home because thy are an expert and the American Family paying BIG BUCKS for a made up job.

Monday, January 28, 2008

To The American Mother

UN Wants Last Word on Raising Our Children

If the Senate approves the "UN Convention on the Rights of the Child", the world , not parents, will decide how to rear children.

The "Convention on the Rights of the Child" sets out these rights in 54 articles that spell out the basic human rights of children everywhere: right to survival; to develop to the fullest; protection from abuse ; (Yes ,great who disagrees but...) protection from harmful influences; to participate fully cultural and social life. (What might this mean? Can only be defined by them as what a harmful influence might be. Also do parents have a say in if we want our children to participate or not.) The four core principles of the Convention are non-discrimination; devotion to the best interests of the child; the right to life, survival and development; and respect for the views of the child. The Convention protects children's rights by setting standards in health care; education; and legal, civil and social services.

If the Senate ratifies Rights of the Child, the state, acting under UN direction, will decide what your children read, who they associate with, what discipline (if any) can be imposed and whether or not they can be home schooled (home-schooled children perform significantly better academically than their peers in public schools).

The UN should have no role in the upbringing of America's children. Congress has no role in state school systems under the 10th Amendment.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Must Watch , Alex Jones' frighting new film "End Game: Blueprint For Global Enslavement"

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Get Back To Work Girls!!

Some days are just for getting things done. I love busy days. As soon as you wake up suddenly the day feels fresh and new, and you feel urged to open all the windows , as if everything depended on letting in the sunshine . You feel you just have to hurry round and Organize Something, like dresser drawers or for Writing a to do list Signed "Mom". A beautiful sort of day, when everybody says "Yes, mommy" and "No, mommy," and waits until you tell them whats next on the list. It is a perfect morning for saying "put it in the box" and "someone find the broom," and then going to the kitchen and saying "oh, here it is." You can't help respecting anybody who can keep a clean house, even if it's not clean for long; but cleaning isn't everything. There are days when a clean house simply doesn't count; like when you know there is nobody coming to visit.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Keeping Me On My Toes

The horror on my face to find the kitchen floor , walls, chairs and stove covered in red . I gasp to see my 2 year old standing in the middle of the floor covered in green and red, just as he finished drinking the last of the blue. It was food coloring. His teeth and skin were stained for days.
His blond hair was now a shade of orange.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Mothers GUILT!!!

Trying to give the same attention, hugs, and time to each child during the day. I do my best not to leave anyone out, but sometimes at the end of the the day I think I should have given more of myself. With children half my time is spent trying to get them to come and half trying to get them to stay. You can learn many things from children, like the ability to endure delay and procrastination without becoming annoyed. To teach the concept "come and stay", I need to do the same when they call me to play.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Grocery Store

I remember, when we only had one child and we would get ready and get out the door in a matter of seconds. It can be easy having one child. Being a little girl she had a gentle disposition and was very mild and easy to manage. To take one child to the store can actually be very enjoyable. 5 years later we had our second, a little boy and only a few months later, pregnant with #3, baby boy. Now going anyplace is no easy task. We have a time limit and if we pass that line things start going down hill fast. Yes, I never thought it would happen to me but I was the woman two rows over at the grocery store with the crying child. That was me having to leave a full cart of grocery's and hurry out embarrassed. I remember once only needing diapers and formula, a must have, and the baby started to cry. We ended up being in the slow check out line. Tears in my eyes I couldn't look at anyone and when I finally got to the car I sat cried.

So now that the children are getting older we can do more. I am very proud of how good they are when we go places and I can't complain, I only have 3 , my sister has 4. Today I am going to take the kids to the doctors office, the baby has a checkup and shots.
(I pray the kids are good!)